The Application Load Balancer operates at the application layer (Layer 7) of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. After receiving a request, the ALB evaluates listener rules in priority order to determine which rule to apply, then selects a target from a Target Group to continue processing.
Configure Variables
Create ALB
# Create ALB
alb_arn=$(aws elbv2 create-load-balancer \
--name $alb_name \
--subnets $alb_subnet1_id $alb_subnet2_id \
--security-groups $alb_sgr_id \
--tags "$tags" \
--query 'LoadBalancers[0].LoadBalancerArn' \
--output text)
echo alb_arn=$alb_arn
Create Target Group
alb_tgr_arn=$(aws elbv2 create-target-group \
--name $alb_tgr_name \
--protocol HTTP \
--target-type ip \
--health-check-path "/api/product" \
--port 8080 \
--vpc-id $alb_vpc_id \
--tags "$tags" \
--query 'TargetGroups[0].TargetGroupArn' \
--output text)
echo alb_tgr_arn=$alb_tgr_arn
Create Listener
alb_listener_arn=$(aws elbv2 create-listener \
--load-balancer-arn $alb_arn \
--protocol HTTP \
--port 80 \
--default-actions Type=forward,TargetGroupArn=$alb_tgr_arn \
--query 'Listeners[0].ListenerArn' \
--output text)
echo alb_listener_arn=$alb_listener_arn
Configure Variables
Create ALB
Check the result on the AWS Console
Create Target Group
Check the result on the AWS Console
Create Listener
Check the result on the AWS Console