Create Security Group


A security group acts as a virtual firewall for your EC2 instances to control incoming and outgoing traffic.

A helpful article by the AWS Study Group related to Security Groups that you should read to understand more about this topic is Article 4: AWS Security Groups with AWS Network Access Control List (NACL).

In this section, we will sequentially create Security Groups for EC2 Instances, RDS, and ALB.


  1. Create Security Group for Instance

    In this section, we create a Security Group for Instances. The purpose of this Security Group is to ensure that only selected ports are accessible to instances.

    # Create Security Group
    ecs_instance_sgr_id=$(aws ec2 create-security-group \
       --group-name $ecs_instance_sgr_name \
       --description "Security group for EC2 in ECS" \
       --tag-specifications `echo 'ResourceType=security-group,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value='$ecs_instance_sgr_name'},'$tagspec` \
       --vpc-id $vpc_id | jq -r '.GroupId')
    aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
       --group-id $ecs_instance_sgr_id \
       --protocol tcp \
       --port 8080 \
    aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
       --group-id $ecs_instance_sgr_id \
       --protocol tcp \
       --port 22 \
    aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
       --group-id $ecs_instance_sgr_id \
       --protocol tcp \
       --port 443 \
    echo ecs_instance_sgr_id=$ecs_instance_sgr_id

    In the above code:

    • ecs_instance_sgr_name: This is the name of the Security Group for Instances, created based on the $project variable.
    • aws ec2 create-security-group: This line creates a new Security Group with the specified name and description.
    • aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress: These lines open specific ports for the Security Group. Specifically, port 8080 (for applications), port 22 (for SSH), and port 443 (for AWS services: VPC endpoint, etc.).
    • echo ecs_instance_sgr_id=$ecs_instance_sgr_id: This line prints out the ID of the newly created Security Group.
  2. Create Security Group for RDS

    In this section, we create a Security Group for Relational Database Service (RDS). The purpose of this Security Group is to allow Instances to connect to the port used for PostgreSQL.

    # Create Security Group
    rds_sgr_id=$(aws ec2 create-security-group \
       --group-name $rds_sgr_name  \
       --description "Security group for RDS" \
       --tag-specifications `echo 'ResourceType=security-group,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value='$rds_sgr_name'},'$tagspec` \
       --vpc-id $vpc_id | jq -r '.GroupId')
    aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
       --group-id $rds_sgr_id \
       --protocol tcp \
       --port 5432 \
       --source-group $ecs_instance_sgr_id
    echo rds_sgr_id=$rds_sgr_id

    In the above code:

    • rds_sgr_name: This is the name of the Security Group for RDS, based on the $project variable.
    • aws ec2 create-security-group: This line creates a new Security Group for RDS with the specified name and description.
    • aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress: This line allows connections to port 5432 (used for PostgreSQL) from the Instance specified by $ecs_instance_sgr_id.
    • echo rds_sgr_id=$rds_sgr_id: This line prints out the ID of the Security Group for RDS.
  3. Create Security Group for ALB

    In this section, we create a Security Group for Application Load Balancer (ALB). The purpose of this Security Group is to allow users to connect to the port used for HTTP.

    # Create Security Group
    alb_sgr_id=$(aws ec2 create-security-group \
       --group-name $alb_sgr_name \
       --description "Security group for ALB" \
       --tag-specifications `echo 'ResourceType=security-group,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value='$alb_sgr_name'},'$tagspec` \
       --vpc-id $vpc_id | jq -r '.GroupId')
    aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
       --group-id $alb_sgr_id \
       --protocol tcp \
       --port 22 \
    aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
       --group-id $alb_sgr_id \
       --protocol tcp \
       --port 80 \
    echo alb_sgr_id=$alb_sgr_id

    In the above code:

    • alb_sgr_name: This is the name of the Security Group for ALB, based on the $project variable.
    • aws ec2 create-security-group: This line creates a new Security Group for ALB with the specified name and description.
    • aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress: This line allows connections to port 80 (used for HTTP) from anywhere (


  1. Create Security Group for Instance

    Create Instance Security Group

    Check the created Security group using the AWS Console

    Instance Security Group created success

  2. Create Security Group for RDS

    Create RDS Security Group

    Check the created Security Group using AWS Console

    RDS Security Group created success

  3. Create Security Group for ALB

    Create ALB Security Group

    Check the result on the AWS Console

    ALB Security Group created success