Creating Root Module


In this section, we will declare and use the modules created in previous steps. The purpose of using modules is to reuse code and create a structured organization and easier source code management.


Declaring Modules

In the root module file, we will declare the usage of two modules created earlier: staticweb and cicd. Below is how we declare these modules:

module "s3" {
    source        = "./modules/staticweb"
    project-name  = var.project-name
    project-tags  = var.project-tags

module "codepipeline" {
    source        = "./modules/cicd"
    s3_bucket     = module.s3.s3-bucket
    project_name  = var.project-name
    repo_src_path = "src"
    project_tags  = var.project-tags

In the above code snippet:

  • The s3 module is used to create and configure an S3 static website. We provide the variables project-name and project-tags to this module.
  • The codepipeline module is used to create and configure an AWS Pipeline to automatically build and deploy the website. We provide the variables s3_bucket, project_name, repo_src_path, and project_tags to this module.

This helps us organize the source code in a more structured manner and easily manage the components of the project.