Clean up resources

We will take the following steps to delete the resources we created in this exercise.

Delete CodePipeline

  1. Access the AWS CodePipeline service

  2. Select the Pipeline you created (e.g., workshop-codepipeline)

    • Choose Delete pipeline

    Select pipeline

    • Enter delete and then choose Delete

    Delete pipeline

Delete CodeBuild

  1. Access the AWS CodeBuild service

  2. Select the build project you created (e.g., workshop-codebuild)

    • Choose Action and then select Delete


    • Enter delete and then choose Delete


Delete CodeCommit

  1. Access the AWS CodeCommit service

  2. Select the repository you created (e.g., workshop-codecommit)

    • Choose Delete repository

    Select repository

    • Enter delete and then choose Delete

Delete S3

  1. Access the S3 management console

    • Click on the S3 bucket you created for this lab (e.g., workshop1-123)
    • Click Empty.

    Select bucket

    • Enter permanently delete, then click Empty to delete all objects in the bucket.

    Empty bucket

    • Click Exit.
  2. After emptying the bucket, click Delete

    Select bucket

  3. Enter the S3 bucket name (workshop1-123), then click Delete bucket to delete the S3 bucket.

    Delete bucket

  4. Apart from the S3 bucket we created, there is another bucket used by AWS CodePipeline to store artifacts during pipeline execution with a name like codepipeline-<region>-* (e.g., codepipeline-ap-southeast-1-661747411738)

  5. Access the bucket by selecting its name.

    • Find the Object workshop-codepipline/ (the name of the pipeline created in the AWS CodePipeline section)


    • Enter permanently delete, then click Delete Objects to delete objects in the bucket.

    Delete Object

Delete IAM Role

  1. Access the IAM management console

    • Click Roles.
    • In the search box, enter fcj-workshop-role.
    • Select fcj-workshop-role.
    • Click Delete, then enter the role name fcj-workshop-role and click Delete to delete the role.

    IAM Roles

Delete IAM Policy

  1. Access the IAM management console

    • Click Policies.
    • In the search box, enter fcj-workshop.
    • Select fcj-workshop.
    • Click Delete, then enter the policy name fcj-workshop and click Delete to delete the policy.

    IAM Policies