Create CodePipeline


AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps automate the release process to deliver updates to your application and infrastructure quickly and reliably.


  1. Access the AWS CodePipeline service or through the link AWS CodePipeline

  2. Choose Create pipeline

  3. In the Create pipeline interface:

    • Step 1: Choose pipeline settings

      • For Pipeline name, enter workshop-codepipeline
      • For Service role, select Existing service role
      • For Role ARN, choose the ARN of the role created in step 2.3

      Choose pipeline settings

      • Click Next to proceed to step 2
    • Step 2: Add source stage

      • For Source provider, select AWS CodeCommit
      • For Repository name, enter workshop-codecommit
      • For Branch name, choose master

      Add source stage

      • Click Next
    • Step 3: Add build stage

      • For Build provider, select AWS CodeBuild
      • For Region, choose the region you are using
      • For Project name, enter workshop-codebuild

      Add build stage

      • Click Next
    • Step 4: Add deploy stage

      • For Deploy provider, select Amazon S3
      • For Region, choose the region you are using
      • For Bucket, enter workshop1-123 (the name of the S3 bucket)
      • Check the Extract file before deploy box

      Add deploy stage

      • Click Next
    • Step 5: Review: Review the pipeline overview and then click Create pipeline

  4. Once the pipeline is created, it will run a test run once. If all steps are succeded, then it seems okay.

    Pipeline first run Pipeline first run (2) Pipeline first run (3)

  5. Check if the files in the public directory have been pushed to the S3 bucket or not

    S3 bucket check

  6. Access the website using the URL in step 3 (S3 static website)

    S3 Website static hosting check

You can eliminate the S3 deployment step in codepipeline and use code to move the files in the public directory to the S3 bucket. However, I did not do this because I want to clearly distinguish between the build and deployment steps.