Correct option:
Use API Gateway Mapping Templates - In API Gateway, an API's method request can take a payload in a different format from the corresponding integration request payload, as required in the backend. Similarly, vice versa is also possible. API Gateway lets you use mapping templates to map the payload from a method request to the corresponding integration request and from an integration response to the corresponding method response.
Suppose we have an API for managing fruit and vegetable inventory in the produce department of a supermarket. When a manager queries the backend for the current inventory, the server sends back the following response payload:
"department": "produce",
"categories": [
"bins": [
"category": "fruit",
"type": "apples",
"price": 1.99,
"unit": "pound",
"quantity": 232
"category": "fruit",
"type": "bananas",
"price": 0.19,
"unit": "each",
"quantity": 112
"category": "vegetables",
"type": "carrots",
"price": 1.29,
"unit": "bag",
"quantity": 57
When the backend returns the query results shown above, the manager of the produce department might be interested in reading them, as follows:
"choices": [
"kind": "apples",
"suggestedPrice": "1.99 per pound",
"available": 232
"kind": "bananas",
"suggestedPrice": "0.19 per each",
"available": 112
"kind": "carrots",
"suggestedPrice": "1.29 per bag",
"available": 57
To enable this, we need to provide API Gateway with a mapping template to translate the data from the backend format like so:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))
"choices": [
#foreach($elem in $inputRoot.bins)
"kind": "$elem.type",
"suggestedPrice": "$elem.price per $elem.unit",
"available": $elem.quantity
Incorrect options:
Deploy an interceptor shell script - This option has been added as a distractor.
Use an API Gateway stage variable - Stage variables are name-value pairs that you can define as configuration attributes associated with a deployment stage of a REST API. They act like environment variables and can be used in your API setup and mapping templates. This feature is not useful for the current use case.
Use a Lambda custom interceptor - This is a made-up option. Lambda cannot intercept the response for the given use-case.